Founder Director’s Message
Will remain forever with my students.
CA Jajati Kesari Patnaik
Founder Director
“विद्याधनं सर्व धनं प्रधानम्”
Our vision and mission are aligned to build responsible and relevant managers for the industry. Our education constructed on a foundation of Innovation, Research, and Technology, coupled with our blended learning pedagogy, inspired and enhanced by the global minds we work with; allow our students to develop their ‘knowledge’, skills required to thrive in the knowledge-driven global economy.
As an institution, we have always been able to identify areas to harness technology, improve communications, and streamline processes, to create a sustainable, technology-driven education framework for future learners.
We not only aspire to create managers of the future, but also ethical, caring, and responsible corporate citizens who hold the potential to transform businesses and influence society as a whole.